Krama Yoga Teacher Mentorship Program
Traditionally yoga was first taught to students individually in a one-on-one environment. While it was common for the teacher to have several students, the time spent with the teacher was precious and it was where deeper learning and improvement could happen. Not just in their yoga practice but hopefully throughout their life.
In a modern setting most yoga classes are in group environments and most teacher trainings are churning out teachers at a rapid pace. Once training is complete and the teacher looks to find themselves classes to teach and students to teach to, before they know it they have forgotten what they learnt in training or worse the reason behind why they want to teach yoga. Newer teachers might even feel unequipped with the knowledge they have been given to start teaching.
Anyone interested in yoga is interested in learning; about themselves, how their body works and why their mind moves in the ways that it does. Yoga can also give us teachings about the world, and our role to play in this human experience we call life. In this way all teachers know that learning never truly stops.

The Krama Yoga Mentoring Program is designed to use the traditional one-on-one approach to yoga teaching whilst applying the knowledge and information learnt in real class settings, gaining not just skills for the apprentice but also experience, insight and income which can lead to potential employment.
The mentoring program has two purposes:
- To support and upskill already certified yoga teachers by developing and deepening their yoga practice, self-study, class planning and teaching skills.
- To give existing yoga teachers the opportunity to teach paid classes at a studio with the feedback from an established teacher working as their mentor.
Who is eligible for the mentoring program?
- Any qualified yoga teacher who has successfully completed their teacher training. We would like you to have at least 3 months of teaching experience and preferably some of your own regular classes.
- When thinking about a potential apprenticeship we suggest asking yourself several questions such as:
– What was the yoga teacher training you have taken designed for and did it meet your expectations? How recently was it?
– What has your teaching experience been like so far? Have you taught classes the general public? How did it go?
– What are you hoping to gain from this apprenticeship?
The apprenticeship program runs for a minimum of 14 weeks (3.5 months), and is broken up into two parts. For in-depth learning, feedback to be effective and positive insights to increase regularity is important. There is to be no breaks during each part, if needed there can be a break between part 1 and 2 but not during each part. A mentor manual is provided to each apprentice for them to work through and take notes. An outline of the structure of the program is below:
- PART 1: Behind the Teaching Eye (6 weeks)
This section is primarily independent study that will be directed and monitored by the mentor. It builds the apprentice’s practice level and familiarity with Krama Yoga sequences and style. The focus is also on yogic knowledge and expanding the teaching toolkit, so you will be prepared to teach at Krama Yoga during Part 2.
Topics covered include; personal āsana practice, hands-on-assists, meditation, Sanskrit, yoga philosophy, anatomy and more. The study sessions are conducted in weekly mentor meetings.
Part 1 must be completed before progressing to Part 2.
- PART 2: Be the Teacher (8 weeks)
This section sees the apprentice prepare and teach two classes a week at Krama Yoga, for 8 weeks. You will be incorporating different Teaching Element challenges per class. Feedback is offered by the mentor both before and after the class. Mentor meetings still happen weekly during this period.

An example of what is included in Part 1:
- Weekly Meetings
During Part 1, the mentor and apprentice meet for a 1-hour session, once a week, to monitor and discuss progress with their studies, class attendance and address any questions/issues arising.
Total of 6 meetings.
- Class Attendance
The apprentice must attend 30 classes at Krama Yoga with a minimum of 20 by their mentor. In addition the apprentice must also attend 1 Beginners Course (4 classes) and 1 monthly cycle of Krama I classes (4 classes).
38 classes total.
- In Class Privates
Give 10 – Receive 5 – from mentor and other Krama Yoga teachers.
15 contact hours minimum.
- Daily Meditation Practice
Keeping a log in workbook
- Sanskrit Homework
Complete worksheets in the workbook with mentor guidance.
- Philosophy Homework
Specific assignments in yoga philosophy that explores word-for-word translation and spiritual discourse.
- Anatomy Homework
Research what is happening anatomically in various āsana groups and then how and why to explore the āsana in a class setting with safety and creativity.
- Additional Personalised Mentor Sessions
10 hours are allocated for in-depth study of subjects that are of particular interest to the apprentice. It is recommended to use this time to strengthen the weaker areas of teaching and yogic knowledge. 10 hours.
Total contact hours with mentor during Part 1: Minimum 69hrs
An example of what is included in Part 2:
- Weekly Meetings Continue
During Part 2, the mentor and apprentice meet for a 1 hour session, every week for 8 weeks, to look over upcoming class plan, and discuss any issues/questions arising. Any notes are to be kept track of in the workbook.
8 contact hours
- Weekly Classes (Teaching)
The apprentice will teach two of the mentors classes a week at Krama Yoga, open to the public, and the mentor will attend each of these classes. After class, they will meet to discuss feedback. Any notes are to be kept track of in the workbook. The apprentice is paid to teach these classes.
Total teaching classes: Minimum 24. All classes taught are paid to the apprentice.
- Every class taught in Part 2 of the Mentoring Program must include various elements and teaching challenges set by the mentor.

In total once both parts of the Mentoring Program have been completed there is more than 100 hours of direct contact with the mentor and combined with independent study the total program hours exceed 150.
Successful apprentices from the program will be prioritised with class covers and regular teaching positions at Krama Yoga. As a yoga school that has a defined style and lineage Krama Yoga is not employing teachers from other yoga schools or styles unless the Krama Yoga Mentoring Program has been completed.
If you are interested in the program please fill out the form below and we can send through an information pack with more specifics on pricing, content and availabilities.
Interested in this training?
Enter your details below and any questions you may have and we’ll get back to you within 48hrs.