Yoga Gives Back
At Krama Yoga, we acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which the school stands, the Gadigal and Wangal peoples of the Eora Nation and that sovereignty was never ceded and that we are privileged to work and practice here.
The yoga we teach here at Krama Yoga involves critically and respectfully studying mostly Indian yogic traditions—reading and discussing translations of great Sanskrit texts of the past. Krama Yoga also encourages creativity and resourcefulness in looking to other wisdom traditions throughout history and from all over the world. Incorporating and investigating yoga’s vast and diverse history may lead us to also studying, learning from or being inspired by Indigenous cultures from anywhere in the world. We do not take this for granted and our intention is that this comes in the form of sharing rather than taking.
We need to acknowledge that whether wisdom is coming from India, the Americas or Australia; Indigenous communities have their own very recent history of white colonial oppression and racism (which is still enduring) — and we must read, study, listen and share these stories as well.
It is important for us to remember when we study an ancient text on yoga, we are engaging with the work of BIPOC. By trying to understand the text, and incorporate, share and practice its ideas within our current culture and worldview is to try and understand the worldview and perspective of that author and their tradition of that time—even if that perspective is different from ours. The willingness to listen, to hear multiple points of view, to respectfully agree (or disagree) with one another can be more powerful than any physical yoga posture.
Despite their various differences, at their core, almost all ancient wisdom traditions, centre around the suppression or eradication of human suffering. And while the theory and methods vary, they virtually all agree that suffering can be eradicated, if not at the very least reduced, and with right knowledge and practice nobody should ever oppress another in any capacity.
While times in Australia recently have been tough for the environment, our health and our livelihoods, we know that there are also problems elsewhere in the world too. We want to help and we will do our best. Almost everyone that practices yoga can attest to the benefit it has brought them, it may be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual – it may even be through the community, friends and knowledge gained from practicing together.

As of June 2021 we are starting our Yoga Gives Back initiative. The first Sunday of every month will be a charity day. For each student that comes to practice on that first Sunday, Krama Yoga will donate $5 per person to a charity, NFP organisation or foundation. This is how we feel Yoga Gives Back. By coming together as a community, sharing our intentions and effort while raising awareness and finances for various social, environmental and health issues that are local or overseas.
While we know there is no immediate fix – as any ingrained system takes time and effort to be re-worked – we want to offer our support and energy towards helping in any area that is close to yogic ideals but that we have still managed to neglect. We are continuing to learn and we understand that we will make mistakes along the way. If there is any good to come from suffering in the world it would be the spark to create a positive and meaningful change, however we can. We hope that you can support us too.
For those that have been and continue to fight for justice and equality you have our support and we stand with you.